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Step into a realm where every page is a playground and every article an adventure. At ClicknRead, we're not just digitizing the printed word; we're giving it a digital heartbeat. From clickable links to interactive features, we elevate your reading experience to a level that's smooth, engaging, and—dare we say—just plain fun.

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Reviews and Testimonials

Voices from Our Reader Universe

I love the way this magazine is layed out! The recipes are great, not sure if I am brave enough to try some of them, but I really enjoyed reading them! Can't wait for my next issue!


Reading Cosmopolitan on the ClicknRead platform makes it much easier and convenient to access anywhere at anytime. I read from cover to back. I start with the first page and read the table of contents and go from there. I love anything that has to do with health, wellness, and lifestyle. Keep up the good work!

Dana P.

I really enjoy reading Cosmopolitan, I like reading the articles and learning about people. The first thing I check when opening a new issue is the ads, I like to go through and look at them all before delving into the stories.


Cosmo is just a great magazine overall. There's fashion and what's new in products. I absolutely love checking out the ASTRO section first! It was new to me at first but the platform is easy to navigate.


I enjoy looking at the fashion pages and doing the quizzes and reading celebrity interviews.


I enjoy reading Cosmo. It's super convenient and I look forward to your emails!


I love Food Network on this platform. Better for the planet! I always look for meat free recipes first. I've loved this magazine for years, so getting it this way has been really, really nice!

Vegan Peace




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